Things We Like...
There are a lots of groups and individuals engaged in changing Scotland’s criteria for real lasting security in an inclusive and sustainable way. Some are actively providing or describing some of them, and others are inspiring us by removing their consent to dangerous and unethical behaviours and laws. Please let us know about things that need adding or if you’d like to get in touch with any people and groups mentioned , or help create an event at Words and Actions for Peace.
To Watch
Here is a selection of Videos The first one is from Rethinking Security, the UK wide network that inspired us. It is a great introduction to opening up the conversation.
This video is about food security. Food is fundamental to our security, and this video comes from Nourish Scotland, working with the Human Rights Commission.
Source, Scottish news reporters, reporting on an idea to eradicate poverty.
For a longer very interesting video in more depth on the history and development of these ideas.
The recent pandemic has really underscored the dependence on an economy that is not able to do the job when it comes to sharing resources and keeping people safe. But there are different possibilities.
Is violence in society a symptom or a disease? Here is some news about how Scotland can address it.
Most people in Scotland are aware of The Baby Box, an initiative that ensures that every child born in Scotland starts out with the basic things they need, (essential if you want to make a country a secure place to be born) Maybe only some of us are aware that books are one of the essentials in the box. Here’s the story from the Scottish Book Trust!
These are all intended to introduce some of what can add up to Secure Scotland.